Monday, March 3, 2014

Daily Aliya for Vayikra, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: G‑d then teaches Moshe the laws of the fowl Olah. This Aliya then continues with a description of three types of voluntary meal offerings: unbaked flour, baked loaves, and the shallow-fried meal offering. All voluntary meal offerings also contained olive oil and frankincense.

Until this point in Vayikra, the Torah has described four different types of voluntary offerings, each one less expensive than the one before it. The bull is most costly, sheep and goat cost less, but more than a dove. And a flour and oil offering is the least expensive. The person who brings the korban is referred to as "adam", a human, the first time, and then with the pronoun he, him, his (she, her, hers). Only with the flour & oil offering is the donor referred to as "nefesh", a soul. Rashi says this refers to the poor person, who is the one who would most likely bring the Mincha. It might not cost a lot, but the poor person puts his soul into his modest korban.

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