Friday, December 30, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayigash, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: While Joseph supplied his family with food, the rest of Egypt was in a desperate plight. First they expended all their money in exchange for food that Joseph sold them. Then their money ran out, and they paid for provisions with their cattle. Finally, when they had no money or chattel left, they sold their land and themselves to Pharaoh into servitude in exchange for provisions. Meanwhile, in the land of Goshen, Jacob's family prospered and multiplied exceedingly.

Yosef did two things because of his sensitivities - he segregated his family from the rest of Egypt so that others wouldn't see how nicely they were living, and he also gave them food as it was needed (47:12), and not in excess. This is derived from the words "according to the young children".

Daily Aliya for Vayigash, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Jacob arrived in Egypt, to the province of Goshen that Pharaoh had allotted his family. Joseph went there to greet his father. Joseph prepared his family for meeting Pharaoh, and instructed his brothers to tell Pharaoh that they are shepherds, who only wish to tend to their flocks in Goshen until the famine ends. Indeed the brothers followed this script, and Pharaoh acceded to their request. Jacob was then brought before Pharaoh, and Jacob blessed him.

When at long last they met, Yaakov and Yosef reacted very differently. Yosef fell on his father's neck (hugged?) and wept for a long time, while Yaakov recited Shema without crying, and then expressed the joy of seeing Yosef's face again. Both were obviously happy, but while Yosef's joy was raw, Yaakov's was more acute and directed. He was able to pinpoint what he was most happy about - seeing on Yosef's face that he was still alive. What about Yosef's face showed him that he was still alive (more alive than he already knew Yosef was)? Or Hachaim explains that Yaakov was concerned that all the time in Egypt might have made Yosef change his ways away from Judaism, but when he saw his face (and eyes), Yaakov could tell that Yosef hadn't changed at all, and was still as righteous as he was 22 years ago. Faces tell a lot more than we think...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayigash, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: This Aliya names the seventy members of Jacob's family that went to Egypt.

OU's Torah Tidbits points out that the "whole world" that came from No'ach was 70. We now find the same number here in Yaakov's descendants. While their 70 became the Nations of the World, our 70 became the Jewish People. There is clearly something about adversity that brings people together, in this case to form a nation. As much as we dislike and avoid adversity, it has its purpose and benefits.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayigash, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Jacob and his entire family left Canaan and headed to Egypt. En route they stopped in Be'er Sheva, where G‑d told Jacob not to fear going to Egypt, for it is there that he will be made into a great nation. Furthermore G‑d told him: "I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also bring you up."

On his way to see Yosef, Yaakov stops to offer sacrifices to "the G-d of his father Yitzchak". It's a strange reference to Yitzchak, but an important connection. Yaakov must have realized the connection between the deceit he perpetuated against his father to receive Esav's blessings, and the deceit of Yosef's apparent death. Although completely justified, Yaakov was punished for causing his father such pain, and this offering might have been his repentance. Yaakov listened to his mother by deceiving his father, did the right thing for the future of the Jewish people, and yet he had to repent. How much more so should we repent when we do something we shouldn't...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayigash, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Joseph directed his brothers to quickly return to Canaan and bring Jacob and their families back to Egypt, where Joseph promised to provide them with food until the famine ends. Joseph embraced his brothers and cried. Pharaoh was informed that Joseph's family had arrived, and he, too, instructed them to come to Egypt where he would give them the "best of the land." The brothers went to Canaan – laden with gifts from Pharaoh and Joseph – and informed Jacob that Joseph was alive, indeed he ruled over all of Egypt. "And the spirit of their father Jacob was revived."

Yosef gives his brothers clothing, but gives Binyamin even more. Notice that once again a son of Rachel is being favored by being given a special garment. The first time, the results were disastrous for Yosef and his brothers. So why tempt them? When a child misuses a book, we don't forbid him to ever touch a book again. The opposite – teach the child how to properly treat books, and as soon as possible give him another. In this way, you will see if the lesson was learned. The "solution" to the problem of the brothers is not reached by avoiding difficult situations. So, since Yosef tested the brothers before they knew who he was, and they had passed the test, he felt comfortable that they had learned their lesson and were no longer jealous of what others had/got.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayigash, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Judah continued: "When [Jacob] sees that the boy is gone, he will die." He explained to Joseph that he, Judah, had taken personal responsibility that Benjamin would return unharmed to Canaan. And as such, he asked to remain as a slave in stead of Benjamin. At that point, Joseph could not restrain himself any longer. He asked all the Egyptians present to leave the room, and he revealed his identity to his brothers: "I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?!" He then reassured them, and asked them not to be upset about selling him into slavery: "For it was to preserve life that G‑d sent me before you. For . . . another five years there will be neither plowing nor harvest, and G‑d sent me before you to ensure your survival in the land..."

"For how can I go up to my father, and the youth is not with me?" The straight forward meaning: Yehuda says, how can I face my father Yaakov without Binyamin with me. The Chassidic school of thought sees another meaning to Yehuda's statement: How can we go up to face G-d (after 120 years) without our youth? Does our behavior when we are/were young serve us well or embarrass us as we get older? It is easy to dismiss one's youth with a wave and a "you know how kids are", but it isn't that simple. Our youth need direction more than anyone else, they need to be "with" us, not on their own, "being who they are".

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayigash, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: In this week's Torah treading, Vayigash, Judah responds to Joseph's demand that Benjamin remain enslaved in Egypt, pleading to be taken as a substitute. Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers. At Joseph's request, Jacob and his family come down to Egypt.

Aliya Summary: In the end of last week's Torah reading, Joseph demanded that Benjamin remain behind in Egypt as his slave. This week's reading opens with Judah approaching Joseph and appealed to him to allow Benjamin to return to his father Jacob in Canaan. He spoke of Jacob's reluctance to allow Benjamin – Rachel's only remaining child – to make the trip to Egypt, and the great love Jacob harbored for his youngest son.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Daily Aliya for Miketz, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Upon seeing his brother Benjamin, Joseph was overcome with emotion, which he concealed. The brothers sat down and enjoyed a feast, and Joseph presented them all with gifts—Benjamin's gift greater than all the others'. In the morning the brothers departed, but not before Joseph had his royal goblet planted in Benjamin's sack of food. Joseph then dispatched a posse to confront the brothers and "uncover" the planted goblet. The brothers were all brought back to Joseph, who demanded that the "thief," Benjamin alone, remain behind as his slave.

By giving Binyamin a bigger gift, Yosef was creating the potential for jealousy so that the brothers would be put into a similar situation as with him. Yosef was testing them to see how they would react, and if they'd matured and learned from the mistakes they had made with him.

Daily Aliya for Miketz, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The brothers arrived in Egypt. Joseph instructed his palace supervisor to invite the brothers to join him for the afternoon repast. The brothers arrived at Joseph's residence where they were reunited with Simon. Joseph arrived, and the brothers presented him with the gift they had prepared, and they exchanged pleasantries.

After years of being away from his family, and all the machinations to create the situation they're in, Yosef finally gets to see his brothers, and specifically his own blood brother, Binyamin. Rather than focusing on himself and all the time he couldn't spend with them and with his brother, Yosef's first words to Binyamin was a blessing for G-d to favor him (43:29). The Medrash explains that all the brothers were blessed with this, but that was before Binyamin was born, so Yosef evened the blessing field by blessing only Binyamin. This just underscores the incredible selflessness of Yosef, not to have been thinking of himself and his sorrow. A further proof could be when the Passuk says that Yosef "lifted his eyes" and saw Binyamin. In addition to adding to the drama of the moment, why were Yosef's eyes down? If he were just looking at his brothers bowing to him, he wouldn't need to lift anything. Unless he lowered his face to avoid seeing his brothers in that state. Another possible sign of modesty and selflessness on Yosef's part.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Daily Aliya for Miketz, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: On the third day, Joseph released them all, aside for Simon, whom he held hostage. He bid the rest of the brothers to return to Canaan and return with their youngest brother, Benjamin, and thus establish their innocence. The brothers recognized that this was punishment for the sale of Joseph, and expressed regret for their deed. Joseph instructed his servants to place the monies the brothers had paid for the food in the sacks of grain they were given. The brothers arrived back in Canaan and recounted the entire episode to Jacob. Jacob was highly disturbed by the happenings, and initially refused to send Benjamin, unwilling to consider the possibility of losing Rachel's only remaining son. Eventually, though, after the food provisions ran low, and Judah personally guaranteed Benjamin's safe return, Jacob acceded to send him. He sent them to Egypt with a prayer on his lips, and armed with a gift for the Egyptian ruler.

Reuven offered that his sons should die if Binyamin is not returned. Although the offer was refused, and Binyamin did return to his father, nonetheless Reuven said something he should not have said. His "two sons" are seen as referring to two famous descendants of Reuven who did die prematurely - Datan and Aviram. This is meant to underscore the importance of watching what we say. Once words are uttered, their intent and circumstance is separated, and the words live on their own.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Daily Aliya for Miketz, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The famine predicted by Joseph commenced, a grave famine that affected Egypt and the entire Mediterranean region. Exactly as planned, Joseph had sufficient stores of food, which he personally sold to all who needed. Meanwhile, in nearby Canaan, Joseph's father, Jacob, dispatched his eldest ten sons – all of them excepting Benjamin – to Egypt to purchase food provisions. The brothers arrived and stood before Joseph, but did not recognize him, as his boyish appearance had changed in the interim years. When the brothers broached their request to purchase food, Joseph dealt with them harshly, accused them of espionage, and incarcerated them all for three days.

The Gemara in Taanit says that Yaakov and family were still well-supplied with food at this stage in the famine. Yet he sent them to Egypt, rather than provoke the jealousy of others with less. When others have not, it is improper to flaunt what you have.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Daily Aliya for Miketz, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Pharaoh appointed Joseph as viceroy of Egypt, and placed him in charge of the impending food collection operation. Thirty-year-old Joseph was placed second-in command of the Egyptian empire, accountable to no one but Pharaoh himself. Indeed, the seven years of plenty arrived as foretold by Joseph, and Joseph skillfully oversaw the collection of the surplus grain. Joseph married Osnat, the daughter of Potiphera, and she bore him two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim.

Even as Paroh conveyed second-in-command power to Yosef, he mentioned in various forms FIVE times that he was still the king and more powerful than Yosef, and then strangely proceeds to change Yosef's name to Zaphenath Pa'neach. Why would he do that, unless he wanted to take ownership of everything that Yosef was, even his name. That way when people ask how Yosef got his new name, Paroh would enter the conversation. This is an important tip in how one can take ownership of something. If you personalize a Mitzvah, not only is it more dear to you, but others associate you with it, and that can only increase the positive results.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Daily Aliya for Miketz, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Pharaoh recounted his dreams to Joseph. Joseph told Pharaoh that both dreams contained a singular message: seven years of plenty were destined to come upon Egypt, followed by seven years of severe famine. Joseph proposed a plan to store the excess grain of the years of plenty, to serve as a reserve for the famine years to follow. Pharaoh was greatly impressed by Joseph's wisdom.

When Paroh called Yosef, he said that he heard that Yosef understood dreams, to which Yosef responded that it wasn't his wisdom, but that it was G-d's wisdom that he was relaying. At the end of Yosef's interpretation of Paroh's dream, he recommends that Paroh designate someone in charge of managing the excess food in preparation for the drought. Was that still G-d's wisdom, or was that his own? Or is the wisdom G-d imparted "downloaded" to Yosef, and Yosef incorporated it into his words and suggestions? Since the Torah doesn't specify when the interpretation ended and his suggestion began, it's most likely that Yosef incorporated (i.e. owned) G-d's wisdom, most likely through the knowledge he attained while learning in the Yeshiva if Shem and Eiver.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Daily Aliya for Miketz, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, becomes viceroy over Egypt, and implements his plan to save the region from famine. Joseph is harsh with his brothers who come to Egypt to buy food, and demands that Benjamin be brought to Egypt. When Benjamin eventually comes he is framed and accused of theft.

Aliya Summary: Pharaoh had a dream: seven fat cows arose from the Nile, followed by seven emaciated cows. The gaunt cows then consumed the robust ones. He then had a second dream, wherein seven healthy ears of grain were eaten by seven thin and parched ears. In the morning, none of Pharaoh's wise men were capable of interpreting the dreams to Pharaoh's satisfaction. Pharaoh's butler approached and related his past jailhouse experience, when a Hebrew boy, Joseph, successfully interpreted dreams. Pharaoh ordered Joseph's release, and he appeared before the king.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayeshev, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Two of Pharaoh's officers, his butler and baker, aroused the royal ire and were cast into prison— the same one that Joseph was now administering. One night, they both had odd dreams, and Joseph interpreted them. Joseph told the butler that he'd soon be released and restored to Pharaoh's service. The baker was told by Joseph that he would soon be hung. Joseph pleaded with the butler to mention his plight to Pharaoh, and ask for his release. Three days later, both of Joseph's interpretations came true; but the butler forgot all about Joseph.

Commentaries explain that Yosef shouldn't have asked the butler for help, because that would give the butler too much credit if he actually did help Yosef, which would then minimize G-d's help. But what's the balance? Should he not have tried, and relied totally on G-d? Or should he/we make an effort when presented with the possibility? It's a question that requires further study, and probably applied to each situation individually.

Daily Aliya for Vayeshev, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Joseph was exceedingly handsome, and Potifar's wife was attracted to him. She made many advances on him, but he steadfastly rebuffed her. Eventually she libelously told her husband that Joseph was making advances on her, and Potifar had Joseph thrown into prison. G‑d was still with Joseph, and he found favor in the eyes of the prison warden, who put him in charge of all the prisoners.

The Sfat Emet calls our attention to to sequence of verbs - "And he refused", "and he said"... First and foremost, when a person is being led into temptation they must stand firm and refuse to give in. Then, if warranted, they can explain their reasons.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayeshev, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: We return to the story of Joseph, who was serving in the home of Potifar. G‑d was with Joseph, and he succeeded in all his endeavors. When Potifar took note of this fact, he put Joseph in charge of his entire household and estate.

The portion of Yosef in Potifar's house is juxtaposed to the episode of Yehuda and Tamar. The standard explanation is that the sale of Yosef caused Yehuda to lose the respect of his brothers. Rashi gives another, intriguing, explanation. He says that it is to equate Tamar and Potifar's wife - both of whom acted "for the sake of Heaven". Potifar's wife, says Rashi, saw via astrology that she was destined to have descendants that came from Yosef. She thought that she was the one and so she attempted to seduce him. She was just a bit off, as in fact it was her daughter Osnat that would bear Yosef's children.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayeshev, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Joseph arrived and his brothers immediately stripped him of his fancy robe and cast him into a pit. Upon Judah's advice, they subsequently sold him to an Ishmaelite caravan traveling to Egypt, who in turn sold him as a slave to Potiphar, Pharaoh's chief butcher. Meanwhile, the brothers dipped Joseph's robe into blood, and showed it to Jacob, who assumed that Joseph was devoured by a wild beast. Jacob then commenced 22 years of mourning for his beloved son.

Rashi gives us another aspct of the "Measure for Measure" punishment of Yakov. The passuk says that he "mourned for his son MANY DAYS." Rashi says that it was 22 years, the exact length of time that Yakov was away from Yitzchak. It includes the 20 years with Lavan, a year and a half in Sukkot, and six months in Bet El before Yakov returned to his father's house. Why was Yakov punished for being away from his father if he was sent away by his mother to find a wife and hide from Esav? Rabbi Teichman explains that it's because when he was done with all of that, he spent the last 18 months in Sukkot and Bet El instead of rushing home. Once he didn't rush, he was punished for the entire length of time. If ever we needed motivation to grab opportunities (Mitzvot) as they present themselves, this is it!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayeshev, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Joseph's brothers were away tending their father's sheep, when Jacob sent Joseph to see how his brothers and the flocks were faring. When Joseph's brothers saw him approaching they plotted to kill him. Reuven, however, implored them not to shed blood, advising them instead to cast him into one of the nearby pits. Reuven's plan was to later return and rescue Joseph from the pit.

Rashi says that Reuven truly intended to come back and save Yosef, but his reason was that he, as the oldest, would take all the blame if something were to indeed happen to Yosef (pretty selfish reason). Nonetheless, he gets the credit for the good deed he planned on doing, despite the facts that 1) it wasn't accomplished and that 2) his motives were not pure. How much more credit is there for those of us with proper motives that DO accomplish our objectives and do good things!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayeshev, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: In this week's reading, Vayeishev, Joseph relates to his brothers his grandiose dreams of greatness, arousing their jealousy. He is consequently sold into slavery to an Egyptian master. After defying his Egyptian master's wife, Joseph is thrown into jail, where he interprets the dreams of Pharaoh's cup-bearer and baker. The story of Judah and Tamaris also related at length.

Aliya Summary: Jacob and his family settled in Canaan. Of all his sons, Jacob favored Joseph, the firstborn of his deceased beloved wife Rachel, and he made for him a special robe of fine wool. Joseph's brothers were jealous of the favoritism, and avoided talking to Joseph. Joseph related to his brothers two dreams he had, both implying that he would eventually rule over his brothers—and thus increased his brothers' envy and hatred.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayishlach, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The Torah continues naming the descendants of Esav and the kings that ruled the city-states, "even before there ruled a king in Israel". Israel must still go through many stages of refinement and pass through many trials and tribulations before they are to emerge as The People of Israel. This is echoed in the Pesach Haggada when it says that G-d gave territory to Esav and Yakov and his sons went down into Mitzrayim.

Daily Aliya for Vayishlach, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Jacob's family continued on towards Chevron. While en route, Rachel, Jacob's beloved wife, passed away while giving birth to her second son, Benjamin. Jacob buried her on the spot, on the roadside leading to Bethlechem. They traveled yet further, and Jacob's eldest son, Reuven, interfered with his father's marital life. At long last, Jacob arrived in Chevron. Isaac died, and was buried in the Cave of Machpelah alongside his wife and parents. The Torah now lists the wives and descendents of Esav, who left Canaan and settled in Se'ir.

Some say that Reuven moved Yakov's bed from the tent of Bilha - where Yakov had placed it after Rachel's death - into his mother's tent. The Torah's cryptic description of what he did is considered a sharp rebuke for his actions, which were disrespectful to his father. What type of "rebuke" is it for us to read it thousands of years later? Unless the legacy of Reuven takes a hit when we think of him negatively (as does anyone's legacy), to which the Torah is (and by extension we should be) sensitive to.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayishlach, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Jacob's daughter, Dina, ventured out into the city of Shechem, when Shechem, also the name of the crown prince of the city, abducted and violated her and kept her hostage. Chamor, the governor of the city, approached Jacob and informed him that his son Shechem was infatuated with Dina and desired her hand in marriage. Jacob's sons slyly agreed to the proposition, provided that all the men of the city would circumcise themselves. Upon the urging of Chamor and Shechem, the Shechemites agreed to the proposal. On the third day following their mass circumcision, Dina's two brothers, Simon and Levi, entered the vulnerable city, killed all its male inhabitants, and liberated Dina from Shechem's home. Jacob was displeased by this act, fearing reprisal from the neighboring Canaanites. Nonetheless, Jacob traveled on, and "the fear of G‑d" was upon the surrounding cities and they did not pursue Jacob and his family. Jacob arrived in Canaan, in Beth-El, and G‑d appeared to him, blessed him, and changed his name to Israel.

Among the reactions to Dina's rape is Yakov's silence, her brothers' sadness, anger followed by revenge. Their anger, however, was on behalf of Dina (34:13) and their father (34:7). In contrast, all of Shechem's actions were driven by his lust for Dina (34:11). So we have another conflict between opposing forces: those that think and do for others vs. those that think and do selfishly for themselves, and to everyone else's detriment. There's a lot to learn about how to deal (or not deal) with diametrically opposing viewpoints.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayishlach, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Jacob's family approached and greeted Esav (except for Dina, whom Jacob hid). Despite Esav's objections, Jacob prevailed upon him to accept the gift he had sent ahead. Esav offered to accompany Jacob on his trip home, but Jacob declined the gesture. Esav returned to his home in Se'ir, and Jacob proceeded to the city of Sukkot. Eventually Jacob arrived at the outskirts of the city of Shechem, where he purchased a plot of land and erected an altar to G‑d.

Why did Yakov hide Dina from Esav? Some explain that Yakov did not want Esav to ask for (take) Dina as a wife and thereby subject her to his wickedness. For this, Yakov was punished, because Dina would have been a positive influence on Esav. Commentaries ask whether Yakov should be praised, rather than punished, for protecting Dina. Bartenura says that Yakov's reason for hiding Dina was not the fear of anything negative happening to her,but the fear that she would succeed in reforming Esav, which would make him worthy of the blessing that he would dominate his brother.All these possibilities highlight the ambiguity of life, and the far-reaching consequences of our actions and inactions, many of which will not be known to us for years, if ever. All we can do is make the best informed decision we can at the time, and hope G-d gave us the wisdom to make the right one.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayishlach, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The Torah informs us that we don't eat the sciatic nerve of otherwise kosher animals because of the wrestling episode mentioned in the previous section. Esav arrived. Jacob respectfully approached his brother, who then ran towards him and embraced him, as they both wept.

It is well known that the word for "and he kissed him" is written in the Torah with dots above the word. This is calling our attention to the word. Rashi tells us that there are two Traditions about the meaning of the word. One opinion is that the kiss was not sincere, that Esav still hates Yakov, and that he was only going through the motions. The other opinion is that "at this moment", Esav was overcome by sincere brotherly emotions and kissed Yakov with all his heart. We often have mixed emotions about things, and should always try to follow the appropriate emotion.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayishlach, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: In an attempt to pacify Esav, Jacob sent him a lavish gift, consisting of hundreds of heads of cattle and sheep. He sent this gift in increments, one herd at a time. That night Jacob crossed the Jabok River with his family, and after all had crossed but him, he encountered an angel – Esav's archangel – who wrestled with him until dawn. Though the angel was unable to prevail over Jacob, he dislodged Jacob's sciatic nerve, causing him to limp. When the angel wished to leave, Jacob refused to let him go until he blessed Jacob. The angel blessed Jacob and informed him that his name would be changed to Israel.

Commentaries tell us that Yakov had returned across the Yabok River to retrieve some small flasks of oil that had been inadvertently left behind. Some say that this was the oil with which he anointed the altar and monument he built in G-d's honor, and that this flask of oil was the antecedent of thesole flask of oil found by the Chashmonaim many centuries later. It turns out that Yakov crossing a river to get small flasks of oil seems trivial, but either because of the concept of not wasting anything that G-d gives you, or because of some deeper symbolism for the future, Yakov's actions were a lesson to us: There is no "small" mitzvah/deed.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayishlach, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: In this week's reading, Vayishlach, Jacob returns to Canaan, but is fearful of his brother Esav. They meet and make peace. Jacob wrestles with an angel, and his name is changed to Israel. Jacob's daughter Dinah is abducted by the prince of Shechem. Shimon and Levi destroy the city of Shechem and liberate Dinah. Rachel dies while giving birth to Jacob's twelfth son, Benjamin. Isaac dies.

Aliya Summary: Jacob was on his way home to his father Isaac after twenty years of absence, having fled Canaan to escape his brother Esav's wrath. As a peaceful overture, Jacob now sent ahead messengers to Esav with a reconciliatory message. The messengers returned with an ominous report: Esav is coming to "greet" Jacob with a troop of 400 men. Jacob was distressed. He divided his family and belongings into two groups—to allow one group to flee while the other was engaged in battle. He then prayed, calling upon G‑d's promise to protect him.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayetzei, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Lavan answers that the women are his daughters, that the children are his children, and the animals are his as well. Yakov and Lavan make a pact and form a mound of rocks as a sign of their agreement. Yakov offers a sacrifice to G-d and swears to the covenant. In the morning, Lavan kisses his children and grandchildren, blesses them, and returns home. Yakov continues on his journey and encounters angels on the way, Yakov names the place Machanayim.

What was the pact for? Did they agree on something? They disagreed about the mound of rocks, Yakov calling it Galed and Lavan calling it Yegar Sahadutha. But then Lavan agreed that since the mound is a witness to the truce between them, he would call it Galed. They went on to agree to stay away from each other in peace, but were only able to do so once they appreciated and respected the others' perspective, as shown by Lavan's willingness to call the mound Galed. This is an important blueprint to overcoming conflict in our lives, as well.

Daily Aliya for Vayetzei, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Yakov prepares to leave. Meanwhile, Rachel takes her father's idols in his absence. When Lavan becomes aware of Yakov's departure, he sets out in pursuit. G-d appears to Lavan in a dream and warns him not to harm Yakov in any way. When Lavan catches up to Yakov, he confronts him about the unannounced departure and the missing idols.

Yakov answers in kind, expressing his anger at Lavan's repeated attempts to cheat him. As to the idols, Yakov permits Lavan to search for them and boldly declares that the one who took them shall not live. Lavan fails to find his idols because Rachel convinces him not to search her person or belongings. Had it not been for G-d's protection, Yakov tells Lavan, you would have left me with nothing.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Daily Aliya for Vayetzei, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: "Specify your wages," Lavan told Jacob. "And I will give it!" Jacob proposed that all the streaked and spotted sheep that would be born to Lavan's sheep would constitute his payment. In return, Jacob would continue caring for Lavan's flocks. Lavan immediately removed all the existing spotted and streaked sheep from the herd and put them under his sons' charge—thus differentiating between the current ones, which belonged to Lavan, and the to-be-born ones, that would belong to Jacob. Jacob made striped poles for the strong and robust sheep to view while they were mating. As a result, the sheep gave birth to striped offspring, and Jacob became fabulously wealthy—despite Lavan's deceptive practices, and his continual changing of the terms of Jacob's pay. After an additional six years of service, G‑d commanded Jacob to return to Canaan. Jacob summoned his wives, who agreed that the time has arrived to leave.

So Lavan tries to take all of Yakov's possessions by renegotiating their agreement, Yakov ends up with a massive flock despite Lavan's best efforts, Yakov sees in Lavan's face that something has changed and his welcome has officially worn out, G-d tells him to leave, and he still finds it necessary to call Rachel and Leah for a private conference in the field, explains his reasons for wanting to leave, and doesn't decide until they both give him permission to do as G-d says. If ever there's a model for treating a spouse with respect, Yakov would be it!