Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Daily Aliya for Naso, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Now that G‑d's presence graces the Tabernacle, G‑d instructs the Jewish people to banish certain ritually impure individuals from their encampments. Most of them were only barred from entering the Tabernacle area and its immediate environs. Only one who suffered from tzara'at ("leprosy") was sent out of the general encampment. This Aliya then discusses the restitution and Temple sacrifice required of one who robs his fellow and then falsely swears to maintain his innocence. If one robs a convert who then dies without leaving any heirs, the restitution is made to a priest. Also included in this Aliya is the mitzvah to verbally confess one's sins, and a person's right to select a priest of their liking to whom to give the various required priestly gifts.

Take a close look at this Aliya dealing with repentance. It speaks of a man or a woman sinning and of THEIR (not his) requirement to confess and repent. It is often the case that when an individual sins, others are somewhat responsible. Perhaps a parent who did not educate the child properly. Maybe someone who made stealing too easy and/or tempting. Does the society bear some of the responsibility for a sinner's actions? A person is primarily accountable for his actions, but the Torah's use of the plural reminds us of our duty to develop an environment of Torah values that will be conducive for all members of society to enthusiastically follow a Torah way of life.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Daily Aliya for Naso, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The total for the Gershon family: 2,630. The Merari family: 3,200. Thus the grand total of Levites eligible to transport the Tabernacle and its vessels: 8,580.

Rashi says the Avodat Avoda (kind of a strange phrase) refers to playing musical instruments. As far as Avodat Masa is concerned - the Gemara in Chulin comments that only when there is heavy manual labor involved, then there is an age limit for the Levites.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Daily Aliya for Naso, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: This week's Parsha, Naso, is the longest single portion in the Torah, containing 176 verses. The reading starts with a continuation of the Levite census and a discussion regarding their Tabernacle duties. The laws of the sotah woman and the Nazirite follow. The Parsha concludes with the Priestly Blessing and the offerings which the Tribal leaders brought in honor of the Tabernacle inauguration.

Aliya Summary: G‑d informs Moshe of the Tabernacle duties of the Levite families of Gershon and Merari. When the Jewish people journeyed, the Gershon family transported the Tabernacle tapestries, veils and coverings, while the Merari family carried its structural components, such as the beams, boards and pillars. A final count is given of the Levite Kehat family -- those between the ages of thirty and fifty, as per G‑d's command mentioned towards the end of last week's Parsha: 2,750.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bamidbar, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe is commanded to take a census of the Levites of the family of Kehat, but only those eligible to transport the Tabernacle and its vessels -- those between the ages of thirty and fifty. The results of this census are given in next week's Parsha. This Aliya then describes the duties of the Kehat family. When the Tabernacle was to be dismantled, the priests would cover all the holy vessels with specially designated sacks. The Kehat family would then take the covered vessels and carry them to their destination.

The people of Kehat first waited for Aharon to enter the Mishkan, remove the Parochet and cover the vessels with special cloths. Only then could vessels be handled by the Levites.

Daily Aliya for Bamidbar, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: G‑d then tells Moshe to count all the firstborn Israelites -- because the holiness of each Israelite firstborn was now to be "transferred" to a Levite. The census revealed that there were 273 more firstborn than Levites. Each of these "extra" firstborns (as determined by a lottery) gave five shekel to the priests, and was thus "redeemed."

Rashi points out that the 5 shekalim of the firstborn, each was worth 20 pieces of silver, the amount the brothers received for the sale of Yosef. Rashi considers there to be a connection between the sale of Yosef and the requirement of redemption of the firstborn. Remember that Yosef was Rachel's firstborn.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bamidbar, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshs is now commanded to separately count all Levite males from the age of one month and older. The three Levite families are counted, and a leader is appointed for each of the families. The total of all (non-firstborn) Levites eligible for this census: 22,000. The family of Gershon camped due west of the Tabernacle, and was put in charge of transporting the tapestries and curtains of the Tabernacle and their accessories. The Kehot family camped directly south of the Tabernacle, and was in charge of transporting all the holy vessels. The Merari family camped to the north of the Tabernacle, and they were in charge of carrying the Tabernacle beams, panels, and sockets. Moshe, Aaron, and their immediate families camped to the east of the Tabernacle.

Choose your neighbors well. Rashi points out that the proximity of Yehuda to the encampment of Moshe and Aharon and family had a positive influence on the three tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar, and Zevulun - the three tribes famed for their Torah scholarship. On the other hand, Reuven's closeness to Korach and his to Datan and Aviram produced disaster.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bamidbar, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The Levites are appointed to serve in the Tabernacle, guard its vessels and assist the priests with their Tabernacle duties. This honor originally belonged to the Israelite firstborns, who were "acquired" by G‑d when He spared them during the Plague of the Firstborn. This privilege was taken away from them when they participated in the sin of the Golden Calf -- and given to the Levites.

"These are the names of the sons of Aharon, the B'chor (firstborn) Nadav..." The regular reading of the passuk, based on the Taamei HaMikra (the Torah notes) indicates that Nadav is being identified as Aharon's firstborn. But there is a vertical line which separates between B'chor and Nadav, suggesting that it is Aharon the B'chor; Nadav, having died without children is not really a B'chor at this point. (Since the children of a deceased firstborn get their father's double portion, had Nadav had children, he would retain the title of firstborn.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bamidbar, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The Jews are instructed regarding their camping formation. The Tabernacle was at the center of the encampment, surrounded by the "Flag of Judah" -- which included the Tribes of Judah, Issachar and Zebulun -- to the east; the "Flag of Reuben" -- Reuben, Shimon, Gad -- to the south; the "Flag of Ephraim" -- Ephraim, Menashe, Benjamin -- to the west; and the "Flag of Dan" -- Dan, Asher, Naftali -- to the north.

The lead tribe of each camp was based on signs transmitted by Yaakov. The Baal HaTurim points out a correspondence between Yaakov's blessings to his sons and these camp heads. Each son that Yaakov addressed in second person was to be a leader of a camp. "Reuven, YOU are my firstborn", "Yehuda, YOU your brothers will acknowledge", "Dan... YOUR salvation", "Yosef... the G-d of YOUR father... blesses YOU".

Monday, May 23, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bamidbar, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Now the census results. After giving us the numbers for each tribe, the Torah gives us the grand total: 603,550. This number, however, does not include the Levites. Moshe was commanded by G‑d not to include the holy tribe in the general census. Instead, the Levites are assigned the following holy tasks: dismantling, carrying, and re-erecting the Tabernacle whenever the Jews traveled, and camping around the Sanctuary, keeping guard over it and its vessels.

Commentaries point out that the low population figures recorded for Levi were closer to what would be expected according to natural demographics. The figures for the rest of the people were unnaturally high. This is a result of the Torah's telling us, "and as they were tortured, so they multiplied". Among the many miracles that occurred in Egypt, was the fact the the people proliferated so greatly under very adverse conditions. Since the tribe of Levi was not subjected to the harsh conditions of slavery, its growth was "normal".

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bamidbar, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: This week's Parsha, Bamidbar, begins the Book of Numbers, the fourth of the Five Books of Moshe. This book of the Torah opens on the first of Iyar, one month after the inauguration of theTabernacle, and several weeks before the Jews will depart from Mount Sinai and begin their journey to the Holy Land. In this week's Parsha the Israelites and the Tribe of Levi are counted separately. G‑d instructs the Israelites on how to camp in the desert, surrounding the Tabernacle. The Levites are informed the procedure for dismantling the Tabernacle before traveling.

Aliya Summary: G‑d commands Moshe to count all Jewish men of military age. G‑d names one member of each tribe as the nasi, leader, of the tribe. Each nasi will assist Moshe and Aaron in taking a census of his tribe. An additional objective of this census was to establish the tribal lineage of every Jew.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bechukotai, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The "Second Tithe," which must be consumed by its owners in Jerusalem, is briefly mentioned -- as well as the rules for redeeming this tithe if it is too burdensome to transport to Jerusalem. Also discussed is the animal tithe -- every tenth animal is offered as a sacrifice, and the meat consumed by its owners. With this we conclude the Book of Leviticus.

The tithe of the animals (cows, goats, sheep) are to be separated by counting every tenth one regardless of the quality of the animal. Violation of this rule results in both animals being considered holy, which begs the question of why anyone would attempt to redeem.

Daily Aliya for Bechukotai, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Land which was purchased and then consecrated by the buyer can also be redeemed, but it reverts to its original owner when the Jubilee arrives. All firstborn livestock are sacrificed in the Temple, and their flesh is consumed by the priests. A person also has the option of dedicating and consecrating any of his belongings specifically for the use of the priests.

A firstborn is automatically sanctified to the Altar; one may not consecrate it as another korban. In fact, firstborns are often treated differently, and it deserves a ponder. Is it because the first is the most precious, and donating the first adds extra meaning to our relationship with G-d? That would make sense, except that first born people are also treated differently, and they're not sacrificed (they receive double inheritance). There must be multiple levels of understanding associated with rights and treatment of first borns.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bechukotai, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: This Aliya discusses the endowment of land to the temple. If it is land which was part of the family lot (given to his ancestors when Israel was divided amongst the Tribes), then the redemption price is a fixed amount, depending on its harvest yield. If the owner chooses not to redeem it, it may be redeemed by any other individual. In this event, or if the land remains unredeemed, the land becomes the property of the priests during the next Jubilee year.

Redeeming a previously endowed piece of land, one must had a fifth as a penalty. Perhaps it's to cover the paperwork associated with donating and then undoing the donation and replacing it with cash? Either way, it pays to think it through before exercising such options.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bechukotai, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: This Aliya discusses various endowments pledged to the Temple coffers. A person can pledge the worth of an individual, in which case the Torah prescribes how much the person must pay -- depending on the gender and age of the individual who is being "assessed." An animal which is pledged to the Temple must be offered on the altar if it is fit for sacrifice -- otherwise it must be "redeemed" for its value. If the owner chooses to redeem it, he must add one fifth of its value to the redemption price. The same rule applies to a house which is pledged to the Temple.

Fund raisers use this Aliya's strategy often, connecting a donation with something the donor might be emotionally attached to. We are much more apt to donate the amount needed to feed a child for a week than simply donating $100, although both amounts might be the same.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bechukotai, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: And even more blessings: An overabundance of crops and G‑d's presence will be revealed in our midst. This Aliya then describes the severe, terrifying punishments which will be the Jews' lot if they reject G‑d's mitzvot. The punishments include disease, famine, enemy occupation of the land, exile, and desolation of the land. The non-observance of the Sabbatical year is singled out as the reason for the desolation of the land. The Aliya concludes with G‑d's promise never to utterly forsake us even when we are exiled in the lands of our enemies.

A significant theme of the Tochacha is the connection between the keeping of the laws of Shmita and our hold on the Land. We must alway realize that we do not keep Israel without any strings attached. We have a clear commitment and responsibility to keep the Torah and fulfill the mitzvot as individuals and as a community. Shmita was commanded in the previous Parsha. In this week's Parsha, we are presented with the dire consequences of the disregard of this important commandment.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bechukotai, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: More blessings: Peace in the land, the elimination of wild animals from the land, and incredible military success -- "Five of you will chase away a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase away ten thousand!"

Notice how there is a promise of peace in the land and a promise for the might to vanquish the enemy. Peace in this context can refer to peace among Jews. Enemies from the outside still exist, and we are promised the ability to advance upon them.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daily Aliya for Bechukotai, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: This week's Parsha, Bechukotai, contains a vivid description of the rewards for observing G‑d's commandments and the series of punishments that will befall us if we choose to disregard them. The Torah then discusses different types of gifts given to the Temple, and the animal tithe.

Aliya Summary: We are promised incredible blessing if we diligently study Torah and observe the mitzvot. The blessings include plentiful food -- "You will be threshing wheat until the grape-harvest, and the grape-harvest will keep you busy until the sowing season!" -- timely rain, and security.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Daily Aliya for Behar, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The Torah prescribes the redemption process for a Jew sold into slavery to a non-Jewish master. The same formula described earlier (Fourth Aliya) is employed. Either the slave himself or one of his relatives refunds the master the amount of money that corresponds to the years remaining until the Jubilee -- when the slave will go free even if he had not been "redeemed." The Aliya concludes with a brief mention of the prohibition against idolatry, and the requirement that we observe the Shabbat and revere the Holy Sanctuary.

Rashi explains the insertion the prohibition against idolatry: When exposed to owners/people with different ideals, the slave might be temped to act like them, and if they don't keep Shabbat, maybe he would follow. If they served idols, perhaps he would too. The placement is therefore a warning to be weary of our surroundings and negative influences, both blatant and subtle.

Daily Aliya for Behar, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: If a Jew sells himself into servitude because of poverty (or any other reason), his master may not treat him contemptibly. He shall be treated like an employee, and stays with his master only until Yovel. This is the maximum; under normal circumstances, the Jewish manservant goes free much sooner.

We are servants of G-d, and should therefore not be subservient to other people.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daily Aliya for Behar, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: A person who sells real-estate has the option of "redeeming" the land from the purchaser -- provided that two years have passed from the date of purchase. The total price for which the land was sold is divided by the amount of years from the time of purchase until the next Jubilee year (when the land would anyhow return to the owner) in order to determine the price per year, and the original owner refunds the buyer however much money he had paid for the remaining years. A relative of the seller may also redeem the land on behalf of his family member.

If you think about it, selling your property means that you have nowhere to live, which means that you're probably looking to work for someone full-time, live-in, which is what selling yourself as a "slave" was, except that it was voluntary (kind of). Either way, Rashi points out that one is not allowed to sell their home voluntarily, only out of necessity. Everyone needs and deserves a place of their own, a place to call home. It's REQUIRED by the Torah.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Daily Aliya for Behar, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: This Aliya addresses an obvious concern: "What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not sow our gather our grain?!" G‑d reassures us that He will bless the sixth year's harvest, and it will produce enough to provide for three years -- until the crop of the eighth year is ready to eat! The Torah then gives the rationale for the prohibition against selling land for perpetuity (instead, land can only be "leased" until the Jubilee year) -- "Because the Land belongs to Me; you are strangers and residents with Me."

Courtesy of this Aliya, if the Torah was man-made, it would take, at most, six years to disprove when the sixth year wouldn't provide extra harvest. Luckily, it's G-d-made, and we always get what we need.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Daily Aliya for Behar, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: We are commanded to conduct business ethically. Since, as aforementioned, all land reverts to their original owners during the Jubilee year, the amount of years remaining until the next Jubilee year must be taken into account whenever a real-estate sale is conducted, and the price set accordingly. The end of this Aliya enjoins us not to verbally harass or intentionally mislead our fellows.

Rambam describes certain situations in business in which one can technically get away with something, but he is considered not to have acted in "a proper Jewish manner". Perhaps the positive commandment also comes to teach us not to take advantage of the technical loopholes, but rather to conduct ourselves with the highest standards of business ethics.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Daily Aliya for Behar, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: This week's reading, Behar, speaks about the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, laws regulating commerce and the redemption of slaves.

Aliya Summary: G‑d commands Moshe regarding the Shemita (Sabbatical) and Jubilee years. Every seventh year is a Sabbatical year, when it is forbidden to work the land (in the Land of Israel). After seven sets of seven years a Jubilee year is proclaimed by a blast of the shofar (ram's horn) on that year's Yom Kippur. During Jubilee years all the laws of the Sabbatical year apply, and, in addition to the Sabbatical laws, all slaves are set free and all lands revert to their original owners.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Daily Aliya for Emor, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: We are instructed to use the purest of olive oils for the daily kindling of the Temple Menora, and to arrange twelve "showbreads" on the Temple Table every Shabbat. The Torah then tells the story of a Jewish man who was put to death for blaspheming G‑d. The portion concludes with the penalties for committing murder, property damages, and personal injury.

The juxtaposition of the Festivals and the lighting of the Menora as a hint to Chanukah, a festival marked by kindling the lights of the Chanukiya in commemoration of the rededication of the Temple. What makes the point stronger is the Torah's stress on the concept that the lights of the Menora are eternal through the generations. In fact, while the real Menorah of the Temple has not made it through the generations, the Chanuka lights have!

Daily Aliya for Emor, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The autumn holiday of Sukkot is now introduced. During this seven-day holiday we are commanded to sit in outdoor booths, take the Four Species (citron, palm branch, myrtles, and willows), and rejoice before G‑d. The final holiday is Shemini Atzeret, a one-day holiday which immediately follows Sukkot.

As the first major holiday of the Jewish year, it's important to establish the attitude that we appreciate the opportunities otherwise known as Mitzvot, and don't see them as a burden. As such, Shmini Atzeret is meant to inspire the desire to hold on to any opportunities for one more day, or as long as we can. It's not just a one-day holiday that ends Sukkot, it's a way of life!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daily Aliya for Emor, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The High Holidays are discussed. We are commanded to hear the shofar (ram's horn) on Rosh Hashanah, and to "afflict" ourselves on Yom Kippur.

The last Passuk (verse) in this Aliya says "... from evening to evening, you should observe your Shabbat." From the unusual wording (evening to evening) the Gemara teaches us the concept of adding from one's weekday to Shabbat and Chag, both at its beginning and at its end. Our practice of counting the time from sunset to stars-out is part of this commandment, as are the additional minutes on both ends of Shabbat and Yom Tov.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily Aliya for Emor, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: This Aliya begins a lengthy discussion about the Jewish holidays. After making brief mention of the Shabbat, the Torah talks about the holiday of Passover and the mitzvah of eating matzah. On the second day of this holiday, an "omer" barley offering is brought in the Temple. This is followed by a seven-week counting period that culminates with the holiday of Shavuot. After discussing the Shavuot Temple service, the Torah briefly interrupts the holiday discussion to mention the obligation, when harvesting fields, to leave certain gifts for the poor.

The Rambam and the Chinuch consider the counting of the Omer to be an independent mitzva which applies today.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Daily Aliya for Emor, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Blemished animals are disqualified for sacrificial use. This Aliya also forbids the castration of animals, sacrificing animals before they are eight days old, and slaughtering a mother animal and her child on the same day. The Aliya concludes with the mitzvah of kiddush Hashem, sanctifying G‑d's Name by giving one's life rather than transgressing certain cardinal sins.

We may not desecrate G-d's Name; we must sanctify His Name: These commandments have many facets. A Jew is required to give up their life rather than violate one of the "big three": murder, incest/adultery and idolatry. In times of "forced conversion", martyrdom is required even for the "smallest" violation.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Daily Aliya for Emor, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: This Aliya discusses bodily blemishes and ritual impurities which disqualify a Kohen from performing the Temple priestly duties. The Aliya then lays down the rules regarding who in the Kohen's household may eat teruma, the tithe from produce given to the Kohanim.

Interesting point from ou.org: If a non-kohen eats Teruma (food meant for the kohen) intentionally, he is liable to "death penalty from heaven". The punishment for eating Tevel (food not yet processed/split up) is the same. Perhaps we have here examples of the opposite types of sin. The former sin involves eating something "too sacred" for the individual. The latter is a sin that involves the opposite - the Tevel is so profane without any "mitzvot" separated, no sanctifying acts having been done with it. Going beyond halachic limits in either direction is equally sinful.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Daily Aliya for Emor, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: This week's reading, Emor, discusses the laws which pertain to Kohanim (priests), and various laws which relate to sacrifices. These are followed by a lengthy discussion of the festivals. The Parsha concludes with the story of a blasphemer who was put to death.

Aliya Summary: The Aliya discusses the Kohen's obligation to maintain a high level of ritual purity, and the women he may marry. An ordinary Kohen is prohibited to come in contact with a human corpse -- except to attend the funerals of his next of kin -- and may not marry a divorcee as well as some other women. The High Priest is not permitted to attend even family funerals, and is required to marry a virgin.