Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Daily Aliya for Re'eh, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: As G‑d's children, we are forbidden to deface our bodies with tattoos or via other forms of mutilation. This section then provides a list of kosher animals and non-kosher fowl. We are also given signs to distinguish between kosher animals and fish and their non-kosher counterparts. The section concludes with the prohibitions against eating meat from an animal which was not properly slaughtered, and against cooking meat with milk.

In the spirit of the positive commandment to check for kashrut, it appears that this Mitzvah does not only include checking animals, birds and fish for signs, but looking for the kashrut symbol on packaged products or the kashrut certificate in restaurants.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Daily Aliya for Reeh, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe admonishes the Israelites not to be lured by the heathen abominable practices of the Canaanites, and to remain true to the Torah; neither adding to nor subtracting from its laws. A person professing to be a prophet who claims to bring instructions from G‑d to worship idols must be put to death. This is true even if the individual performs supernatural acts or accurately predicts the future. This section also prescribes the death penalty for one who attempts to entice others to idolatry, and the catastrophic price paid by a city which has completely succumbed to idolatry.

In an extremely loaded Aliya, sometimes the strongest messages are the ones that don't need to be analyzed. The Passuk (13:5) says that You shall 1) follow G-d, 2) fear Him, 3) keep His commandments, 4) heed His voice, 5) worship Him, and 6) cleave to Him. Since most of these directives seem redundant, Rashi, Sifri and the Gemara team up to explain the different references, as follows: 1) Follow G-d - basic understanding of following the Mitzvot (commandments), 2) Fear Him - fear would be a natural by-product of understand all that G-d controls and provides for us, 3) Keep His commandments - follow the oral tradition (Rashi), 4) Heed His voice - listen to the true prophets (relevant in times of the prophets), 5) Worship Him - in the temple (relevant when temple was around), and most relevant to us today, 6) cleave to him - Cleave to His ways by bestowing kindness, burying the dead, and visiting the sick, just as G-d did (Gemara).

Monday, July 29, 2013

Daily Aliya for Re'eh, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Although it is forbidden to offer sacrifices in any location other than the one designated by G‑d, it is permitted to slaughter cattle for consumption purposes, but blood may never be eaten. The consumption of various tithes and sundry sacred foods is also restricted to the designated holy city.

This Aliya contains the commandment to rejoice before G-d, not just us personally, but our children, employees, and everyone around us. How is it our responsibility to make sure everyone around us is happy? Well, this Passuk is preceded by one describing the place where offerings are brought before G-d, and is followed by a warning to avoid bringing offerings just anywhere, but to instead use designated areas. The Torah guides us by explaining what we should do, how to do it and how not to do things. If we follow the recipe for life, we can't help but end up with a delicious dish, one which everyone around us can enjoy. In fact, others enjoying is part of the recipe!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Daily Aliya for Re'eh, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: In this week's reading, Re'eh, Moshe continues addressing the Israelites just before he passes away; just before the Israelites cross the Jordan River and enter the land of Israel. Moshe commands the Israelites to proclaim certain blessings and curses on Mount Grizzim and Mount Eval after they enter the land of Israel. He directs them to destroy all vestiges of idolatry from the Promised Land. They must then designate a city where the Divine presence will dwell in the Holy Temple, and they are forbidden from offering sacrifices elsewhere. Other topics discussed in this portion are: tithes, false prophets, the wayward city, tattoos, kashrut, the Sabbatical Year, charity, and the festivals.

Aliya Summary: Moshe informs the Israelites that they can be the recipients of either blessings or curses -- blessings if they obey G‑d's commandments, and curses if they do not. He further instructs them to proclaim blessings on Mount Grizzim and curses on Mount Ebal -- the exact procedure of this ceremony will be described in the Ki Tavo Torah reading (Deuteronomy 27:11-16). Moshe then commands the Israelites to destroy all idols and their accessories that they will find when they enter Israel. He informs the nation that in the future G‑d will designate a specific location (Jerusalem) where He will choose to rest His Presence. All sacrifices must be offered in this location.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Daily Aliya for Ekev, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe informs the Israelites that if they follow G‑d's ways and cleave to Him, they will easily occupy the land of Israel, and no man will stand up against them.

The "deal" that the Parsha began with is repeated at its conclusion - If we will keep all the mitzvot, motivated by a love of G-d; if we follow in his footsteps (by performing acts of kindness) and cling to Him... then we will prevail against mightier nations than ourselves. The Parsha concludes with promises of successful conquest of the Land - if we keep our side of the deal.

Daily Aliya for Ekev, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe tells the Israelites that the land of Israel is constantly dependent upon G‑d for irrigating rains, and that the land is constantly under G‑d's watchful eyes. We then read the second paragraph of the Shema prayer. In this section we are admonished to observe G‑d's commandments, which will cause G‑d to supply bountiful rainfall and harvests. Non-observance will lead to exile. We are commanded regarding prayer, tefillin, mezuzah, and teaching Torah to our children.

This Aliya contains the second paragraph of Shema, and includes the phrase "if listening you will listen" (11:13). Rashi explains that the double language teaches that if we study what you've already learned, we will discover a new and deeper understanding. The Torah is unique in that it offers so much on so many levels, from appreciating the basic story, to the subtle terminologies, to the extra words providing hidden messages to those that care to analyze them. How lucky we are to have such brilliance to enjoy!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Daily Aliya for Ekev, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe charges the Israelites to love and fear G‑d, and to serve Him. He expounds on G‑d's greatness, and impresses on the Israelites their great fortune: that G‑d has chosen them to be His treasured nation. He again reminds them of the many miracles G‑d had performed on their behalf since they left Egypt.

This aliya contains the instruction to "circumcise the foreskin of your heart" (10:16), a rather difficult assignment considering there is no such thing. Rather, just like men are born with foreskin that needs to be removed to "complete" the Jew, here too people are born with the natural tendencies to follow their desires, and need to rein in those desires by purging our hearts of certain physical tendencies. That doesn't mean that we need to ignore our physical desires, because the instruction is to remove the extra layer so we can get to our hearts. So the ultimate goal is to do what's appropriate for our hearts, and the best way to do that is to remove the physical layers that might be in the way of that goal. How? The Passuk continues... "don't be so stubborn!" Embrace change, grow, improve!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Daily Aliya for Ekev, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe recounts how after the Golden Calf debacle, G‑d commanded him to carve two new tablets upon which G‑d engraved the Ten Commandments, to replace the first set of tablets which Moshe had shattered. At that time, G‑d also designated the Levites to be His holy servants, because of the devotion they demonstrated throughout the Golden Calf incident.

G-d forgave the Jews for the Golden Calf "at that time" (after forty days), and only then began the process of inscribing the second tablets. The term "at that time" seems superfluous, which needs to be explained. Beyond that, though: What took forty days? If G-d was willing to forgive the Jews for their sin, why did He wait forty days to do so? The answer to both could add an important outline for dealing with mistakes and with pain associated with those mistakes. Often time helps us process outlying events in our lives, and is an important part of the healing process. Time heals not only physical wounds, but emotional wounds as well, and both are quite often a necessary part of life.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Daily Aliya for Ekev, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe tells the Israelites that they will inherit the Land of Israel not due to their own merits and righteousness, but because of the promise G‑d made to the Patriarchs. In fact, Moshe reminds them of the many times they angered G‑d while in the desert, placing special emphasis on the sin of the Golden Calf, when G‑d would have annihilated the Israelites if not for Moshe's successful intercession on their behalf. He also makes brief reference to the other times when the Israelites rebelled against G‑d.

Modesty and self-confidence is a very sensitive balance, a struggle we deal with internally, as well as with our children. In order to conquer challenges in life, one must be confident in their ability. To that end, thinking that the results are owed to us can only lead to complacency, a lack of appreciation for what we have, which could potentially lead to squandering what we had. This Aliya helps the people realize that what we have was given to us, and although we continually have to work to maintain it, the acquisition required G-d's help and forgiveness, and thus we are indebted. The purpose of this Aliya is to help us maintain the proper perspective in life, not by reminding us of our mistakes, but by reminding us of G-d's absolution from those mistakes.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Daily Aliya for Ekev, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe admonishes the Israelites that the new-found fortune which will be their lot once they enter the Promised Land should not lead them to forget the One who provided them with the wealth. Such a blunder would lead to their destruction and ruin.

The warning against getting caught up in wealth and success (verse 15) describes how one might forget the snakes, vipers, scorpions and drought that was solved by having water flow out of a rock, all items that have a strikingly earthy denominator. The very next Passuk reminds us of the Mann that fell from the sky, a stark contrast to the previous earthy items. But the Jews didn't have the Mann fall on them as they looked up to the sky, the Mann waited for them when they woke up. Why? It could be that the Mann was the ultimate bridge between the earthy elements and the source from which they came, so we'd need to see the Mann on the ground and realize that it came from above. If we realized that our wealth and sustenance came from G-d, then we'd realize that the snakes, challenges and troubles came from G-d as well, and are there to help strengthen and empower us to succeed in life.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Daily Aliya for Ekev, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: Moshe continues his pep talk to the Israelites, cautioning them not to fear the Canaanite armies for G‑d will wage battle for them. He also notifies them that their entry into the Land is not due to their own virtues – Moshe reminds them of their many transgressions to emphasize this point – but rather, it is in the merit of the nation's Forefathers. The commandments of prayer and bentching (Grace After Meals) are mentioned. The second part of the Shema is also found in this portion.

This Aliya begins with a promise: if the Israelites observe G‑d's commandments, they will be blessed in a multitude of ways, including the obliteration of their Canaanite enemies. Moshe enjoins the Israelites not to fear these enemies, for G‑d will miraculously deliver them into their hands. Moshe instructs the Israelites to destroy all the idols and their accouterments which they will find in Canaan. Moshe then discusses their forty-year desert ordeal, and the many tests and miracles which accompanied them. Moshe provides a description of many of the wonderful features of the Land of Israel, and the Israelites are commanded to bless G‑d after they eat and are sated.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Daily Aliya for Vaetchanan, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The Israelites are directed to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan along with their idols, and the prohibition against intermarriage is discussed.

Finally, Moshe tells the People that the nations in Eretz Yisrael whom we will encounter are mightier than Israel. But G-d will give them over into Israel's hands. We are required to destroy the "Seven Nations", not to show mercy to idolaters in the Land, and certainly not to intermarry with them or any other non-Jews.

Regardless of how secure one is in one's belief, intermarriage and other close contact with alien cultures will have an adverse effect upon the individual Jew and on the Jewish People.

Daily Aliya for Vaetchanan, Shishi (6th Aliya)

From and This Aliya begins with the first section of the Shema prayer. This paragraph contains the fundamental mitzvot of belief in G‑d's unity, love of G‑d, tefillin, mezuzah, and Torah study (see previous blog for more color on this). The section continues with G‑d's promise to give the Israelites a land filled with bounty and spoils. Moshe admonishes the people to never forget the Creator who provided them with this wealth. Moshe instructs the nation what to respond to their children who might inquire why they observe all the commandments: "We were slaves in Egypt, and G‑d took us out in order that we serve Him, so that we could reap the rewards for doing so."

The Mitzvah (commandment) of learning and teaching Torah can be fulfilled with one's head/intellect. Tell someone a Dvar Torah and you both have fulfilled the same Mitzvah. But, tell that same Dvar Torah in an animated way that shows love of G-d and that ignites the emotion of the listener, so that he not only adds to his knowledge of Torah, but his excitement and enthusiasm for Torah and Mitzvot has increased, then you have fulfilled an additional Mitzvah of "V'ahavta", to love G-d with all your heart. (Sefer HaChareidim)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Daily Aliya for Vaetchanan, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe describes the fright which gripped the nation following the revelation on Sinai. The leaders of the tribes approached Moshe and pleaded that he be the intermediary to transmit G-d's words to them, and G‑d agreed.

Twice in this Aliya it mentions the Mitzvah (singular commandment), statutes and ordinances (plural) that Moshe will convey to the people, rather than them hearing it from G-d Himself (Passuk 5:28 and 6:1). The discrepancy between singular and plural references can be explained by Passuk 5:25, which also contains anomalies. Verse 25 says that G-d heard the sound of the words of the people when they asked Moshe to act as intermediary between them and G-d, and G-d was pleased. Why the strange phrasing of "sound of the words"? Why the discrepancy in noun grammar?

I believe one way to understand this is that G-d heard in the Jews' voice that they really wanted to hear the Torah and all its commandments, but truly felt they couldn't hear it directly from G-d. Rather than give up, the found a solution by having Moshe as the conduit. This now creates an extra layer of education and instruction that needs to exist in order to learn the many ordinances and statutes of the Torah. This new layer is the one Mitzvah added: the commandment to learn and teach, which incidentally is what is based on, and what our lives should be filled with.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Daily Aliya for Vaetchanan, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe repeats the Ten Commandments, reminding the Israelites that the Sinai covenant was not limited to those who were physically present at Mount Sinai.

The very first of the ten commandments is very unique. It doesn't just say "I am the Lord your G-d", which would have been sufficient. In case we forget, it continues "... who took you out of Eqypt...", and as if that wasn't enough, "...out of the house of slavery". It's pretty obvious that knowing G-d also requires appreciating the correct context with which to know Him, and I think the following two phrases offers two different depths of appreciation: On a basic level, G-d physically took us out of Egypt, performing many miracles in the process, and for that we are forever indebted to Him. But we were also in a situation where we were slaves to the slave-masters, who were slaves to their superiors, who worked for theirs, on their way up the hierarchical ladder to Pharaoh. We weren't just slaves, we were slaves in a house of slaves, drowned in meaning and purpose diluted at every mired level of slavery. G-d took us from that situation to one where we interact directly with G-d himself, where meaning and purpose is clear, pure and undiluted, and part of the first commandment is for us to understand and appreciate G-d on all these levels.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Daily Aliya for Vaetchanan, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe designates three cities of refuge on the eastern side of the Jordan River. These cities provided refuge for an individual who inadvertently murdered another.

The Gemara explains that although the cities wouldn't become active refuge havens until the Jews settled in Israel, Moshe saw this as an opportunity to do something positive and would not pass up the chance. It's not just that he seized the opportunity to perform a Mitzvah (positive commandment), he took this opportunity to prepare to do a Mitzvah! In modern day, that would be the equivalent of us waking up earlier than normal to daven (pray), or going out of our way so we can be asked to do Chessed (a kind act). It's looking for circumstances where opportunities might exist.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Daily Aliya for Vaetchanan, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe implores the Israelites to treasure the Torah, praising its wisdom, its righteous and just precepts, and the closeness to G‑d it affords. He admonishes them to never forget the day when G‑d gave them the Torah, and vividly describes that awesome event, enjoining them to recount that day's events to their children and grandchildren. He then focuses on the divine revelation, reminding them that G‑d did not appear as any image or form. Worshiping graven images, Moshe warns, will result in national exile and decimation. But even when exiled, G‑d will not forsake His people, and eventually they will repent and return to G‑d. This section concludes with Moshe extolling the Israelites' uniqueness: the only nation personally delivered by G‑d from bondage, and the only people to whom G‑d revealed Himself.

This Aliya is loaded with Pessukim (verses) that we use regularly, as well as anecdotes to overcoming temptations. The recipe for doing the right thing is: 1) hearing, 2) seeing, and 3) fearing. As Passuk 10 says, G-d gathered everyone so He can tell us the commandments, where we actually see the words, and the goal is for us to fear Him so that we continue to follow those words. The reason why only hearing or seeing doesn't work is explained: If we only used our sight to discern what's right, we could erroneously see the sun or moon and determine that they are the ones providing for our needs. If we only used our hearing we could similarly falter when hearing something different. It's only a combination of these, along with fear, that will protect us from stumbling in the future. Seeing and hearing the rules are important to know what's right, and fearing consequences help us protect those rules from potentially being broken. This important lesson is adaptable to many aspects of life, both personal and family.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Daily Aliya for Vaetchanan, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: In this week's Torah reading, Va'etchanan, Moshe continues his attempt to impress upon the Israelites the importance of following G‑d's commandments, the rewards which will result from obeying G‑d's words, and the punishments they will incur if they neglect to do so. Moshe recounts the story of the giving of Torah at Mount Sinai, and repeats the Ten Commandments. Moshe designates cities of refuge. This portion also contains the Shema.

Aliya Summary: Moshe recounts how he pleaded with G‑d to allow him entry into Israel. G‑d refused this request, but instructed Moshe to climb a mountain from where he would see the Promised Land. Moshe enjoins the people to follow G‑d's law, and never to add to or detract from it. Moshe uses the Baal Peor incident to demonstrate that those who remained faithful to G‑d survived and thrived.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Daily Aliya for Devarim, Shvii (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe delineates the borders of the lands allotted to the aforementioned tribes. He then repeats the instructions he gave to these tribes to cross the Jordan together with their brethren and participate in the battle against the Canaanites before returning to their land on the eastern bank of the Jordan. Joshua, who will lead the nation into Israel, is enjoined not to be fearful of the battles which he will face, because "it is the L-rd, your G‑d, who is fighting for you."

Daily Aliya for Devarim, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe recalls how Sichon led his nation in battle against the Israelites. The Israelites were victorious and took possession of his land. When the Bashanites then attacked, they meet a similar fate. The lands of the Emorites and the Bashanites were given to the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and half the tribe of Menashe.

While this Aliya contains many recounts of the victories and territorial conquests, there is a hint of something more. In passuk (verse) 6, it says that we destroyed Og as we destroyed Cheshbon, but it says it in present tense! We continually destroy Og (and Cheshbon), which apparently represent inherent character flaws that we are opposed to. In future posts on this Aliya I'll have to find out what these nations represented, so we can fully understand what it is that we rid the world of. Suggestions welcome.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Daily Aliya for Devarim, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe fast-forwards 38 years. The generation which left Egypt had perished. Now their children were ready to enter Canaan. But first G‑d instructs the Israelites regarding three nations whose land was off-limits for them: Seir (Edom), Moab and Amon. These lands were the rightful inheritance of the descendants of Esav and Lot. Instead, the Israelites circled these lands and approached the land of Sichon, king of the Emorites, and requested passageway through his land. Sichon refused the Israelites' request.

While recapping the events of the generation that died in the desert, the Passuk refers to them as "men of war", which Rashi explains to mean that they were eligible to fight because they were between the ages of 20 and 60. But just because they were eligible to fight didn't necessarily entitle them "men of war", unless it's a vague hint at the personalities of those people, choosing to be confrontational, argumentative, and generally controversial, qualities that often gets people into trouble, and elicits labels people don't always deserve.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daily Aliya for Devarim, Revii (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe continues: At that time G‑d instructed the Israelites to reverse course and head back to the desert. Realizing their dreadful error, a group of Israelites proceeded to advance toward Israel -- in the face of Moshe's objections. Lacking divine protection, they were immediately attacked and massacred by the Emorites. At this point, the Israelites heeded G‑d's command, and headed back to the Sinai Desert.

The Emorites attacking the Jews is compared to bees attacking (verse 44), perhaps because they swarmed, maybe because they were merely protecting their home. Rashi says they were compared to bees because just like bees die after they sting, those Emorites similarly died after attacking those Jews. G-d was (and is) protective of us even while meting out punishment!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Daily Aliya for Devarim, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: At that time, the Israelites approached Moshe and demanded the right to send out scouts to reconnoiter the land. Moshe recounts the tragic episode in detail, how the scouts delivered a frightening report, claiming that the land was unconquerable. Despite Moshe's protests, the Israelites adopted the scouts' attitude and decided not to enter Canaan. This caused G‑d to bar that entire generation from entering the Promised Land.

Apparently they Israelites asked Moshe to allow the scouts to go so they can find the best path for the Israelites to enter the land. Then Rashi adds that "there is no road without a bend", a profound reality tragically ignored by the Israelites, and many others today. In my days engaged in Jewish outreach, I would come across many teenagers, some eager to learn and know, while others eager looking to find that twist in the road they didn't agree with. It's always there, you just need to be willing to slow down and navigate the turns, and come out ahead on the other side.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Daily Aliya for Devarim, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: After the Israelites consented to the idea, Moshe appointed a hierarchy of judges to preside over the nation. Moshe recalls instructing them the basics of judicial integrity. Moshe then recounts how the Jews traveled through the desert and quickly reached Kadesh Barnea, on the southern border of the Holy Land.

The qualifications for someone to be a judge or enforcer over others is quite long, although not universally agreed. Among the qualities discussed are: Understanding, righteous, bashful (of mis-judging), wise, familiar (so they know their litigants' situations), respected. The Gemara says that the one quality Moshe couldn't find was understanding, not the quality I would have thought would be lacking. But Sifri explains that this "understanding" was the ability to learn one thing from another, something that clearly requires not only familiarity with the existing rules, but a comfort level with them that would enable this extraction, much like the Gemara does many years later. So Moshe settled for the other qualities, "understanding" that the understanding would follow years later...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Daily Aliya for Devarim, Rishon (1st Aliya)

General Overview: This week's Parsha begins the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth and final book of the Five Books of Moshe. Moshe begins his final monologue, five weeks before his passing. He recounts the story of the Israelite's travel through the desert, placing emphasis on, and rebuking them for, the story of the spies. He describes Israel's conquest of the Emorites and the Bashanites.

Aliya Summary: The Israelites are situated on the eastern bank of the Jordan River, on the verge of entering the land of Canaan, and Moshe's death is imminent. This is the setting for Moshe's final statements to the nation he lovingly tended for four decades. After delivering a veiled rebuke to the nation for their many past misdeeds, Moshe revisits the period, some 39 years earlier, before the Israelites left Mount Sinai at G‑d's behest, with the intention of immediately invading and entering Canaan. At that time, Moshe expressed to the Jews his inability to single-handedly bear the burden of leadership, because "G‑d, has multiplied you, and behold, you are today as the stars of the heavens in abundance."

Friday, July 5, 2013

Daily Aliya for Matot-Massei, Shvi'i (7th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The Jews are commanded to designate six cities of refuge. These cities offer refuge to a person who inadvertently kills another. The murderer must remain in the city of refuge until the death of the serving High Priest. The Jews are enjoined not to take "blood money" from a -- intentional or unintentional -- murderer who wishes to lighten his sentence. In last week's reading, G‑d instructed Moshe to give the daughters of the deceased Tzlophchad his portion in the land of Israel. The elders of Tzlophchad's tribe now protested that this would cause Tzlophchad's sons -- who could possibly be of another tribe -- to inherit their mother's properties, thus possibly transferring land from the portion of their tribe to another. G‑d therefore instructs Tzlophchad's daughters to marry men from their own tribe, so the land they inherit will remain in their ancestral tribe.

This Aliya is probably the original of the phrase "if it hurts when you touch there, don't touch there." Tzlophchad's daughers realized that if they married outside the tribe, their land would be transferred to their husband's tribe, and their family would lose it (since it follows the males). G-d response was: Well, then, don't marry outside your family if you have no sons. The caveat is that this is only a solution if keeping the family land was more important to them than the perfect partner (assuming they might be different people), which is what Tzlophchad's family chose. But they weren't instructed as such previously because it required that personal choice, once again proving the flexibility that exists within strict Torah rules.

Daily Aliya for Matot-Massei, Shishi (6th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: G‑d appoints a representative from each tribe to divide his tribe's portion of land between the tribal members. The Jews are commanded to provide the Levites with 48 cities where they would dwell -- 42 cities plus the six cities of refuge which would be designated. Along with these cities, the Levites were given expanses surrounding the cities for their cattle.

After selecting an administrator for each tribe to help decide which family receives which piece of their tribe's land, the very next section talks about the requirement to donate part of their land to the Levites. So the Jews just got their land, and they already have to give some of it away. But it highlights the concept that we have what we have so we can do something positive with it, like sharing land with the Levites that hadn't been given any. If we're given money, we should give those who haven't - and it's not just a nice thing to do - it's the reason why you were given the money! The same is true for anything we have been granted with in life.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Daily Aliya for Matot-Massei, Chamishi (5th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: G‑d instructs the Jewish people to eradicate all Canaan's inhabitants and destroy their idols after crossing the Jordan River. The borders of the land of Israel are delineated. The land was to be divided by lottery amongst the nine and a half tribes (Reuven, Gad and half of the tribe of Menashe were going to settle on the eastern bank of the Jordan).

The Jews were warned that they must clear out the existing inhabitants of their new land before settling in it, and then were warned again that if they didn't clear out all the existing inhabitants, the existing tenants would end up being "spikes in their eyes and thorns in their sides", an interesting depiction of their pending troubles. Spikes in their eyes represent obstacles visible to the naked eye (improper behavior, appearance, etc), and thorns in their sides represent obstacles less obvious (societal influence, peer pressures, etc). Both are equally painful spikes, although we may not see the thorns coming. The Passuk is equating the obstacles visible to us with those not visible to us, warning us of the perils of exposure to each.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Daily Aliya for Matot-Massei, Revi'i (4th Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe accepts the offer of the Reuvenites and Gaddites, and informs Joshua and Elazar the High Priest of the agreement. These two tribes, along with half of the tribe of Menashe settle on the eastern bank of the Jordan, and conquer many of the areas wherein they encountered opposition. The Torah then recounts the journeys of the Jews in the desert; the 42 journeys which took them from Egypt to the banks of the Jordan. Aaron passes away.

While Moshe wanted the tribes staying on the other side of the Jordan to fight, they took their commitment a step further and said they would not leave until everyone took possession of their land, which took an extra seven years! This proved beyond a doubt that their intentions were not to isolate themselves from the rest of the Jewish nation. Often it's the extra steps we're not even required to take that prove our intentions.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Daily Aliya for Matot-Massei, Shlishi (3rd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: The tribes of Reuven and Gad owned lots of cattle. Seeing that the eastern bank of the Jordan -- the lands of Sichon and Og which they had just conquered -- had abundant pasture, they asked Moshe if they could remain and settle on the eastern bank. Moshe angrily responds that they are following in the footsteps of the spies who were fearful of the Canaanites, did not want to enter the land of Israel, and discouraged the entire nation from doing so. The Reuvenites and Gaddites respond that they will leave their cattle and families behind in fortified cities, and all their men will proceed into Israel with their brethren and lead them in the conquest of the land. Only after all the land has been conquered and settled would they return to the other side of the Jordan.

When the tribes of Reuven and Gad approached Moshe with their request to live on the other side of the Jordan river, Moshe was understandably upset, because he'd seen this mistake before. He proceeded to lecture them about what happened to their parents for doing the same thing, facts I'm sure everyone was already well aware of. So what was he adding by telling them what they already knew? He was putting their request in perspective for them, and although G-d wasn't contacted directly yet, Moshe felt that he knew what would happen. Reuven and Gad's response was similar. They showed Moshe that from their perspective they were nothing like the spies that faltered years ago, that they were still part of the Jewish people, united in beliefs, battles, and all else. They showed Moshe that their motivation was purely based on logistics of storing all their assets (motivation was something he could not know, only G-d). The lesson is clearly about understanding other people's perspective, and how communication is so critical in appreciating others' perspectives.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Daily Aliya for Matot-Massei, Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: Moshe was enraged that the Midianite females were spared. "They were the primary culprits; the ones who seduced the Israelites and brought about the plague which killed so many!" Moshe exclaimed. All the males and all women who possibly could have been involved in the campaign of seduction were killed. The soldiers were instructed how to purify themselves from the ritual impurity they contracted from contact with corpses in the course of battle, and are told how to kosher the food utensils which were among the spoils. The spoils of the war were evenly divided between the soldiers and the greater community. Tithes from the spoils were given to Elazar the High Priest and the Levites. The army officers counted the soldiers who returned from battle, and determined that not a single man was lost in the war. To show gratitude to G‑d for this miracle, the officers donated to the Tabernacle all the gold jewelry which they personally plundered from the Midianites.