Monday, August 23, 2010

Daily Aliya for Ki Tavo Sheni (2nd Aliya)

Aliya Summary: During Temple times, Jewish farmers were required to separate from their produce several different tithes. These were distributed to the priests, the Levites, the poor, and one tithe which was eaten by its owners in Jerusalem. The different tithes were not all given each year, rather there was a three-year cycle. In this Aliya, the Torah gives the procedure to be followed on the day before Passover during those years which followed the conclusion of a cycle. The farmer was to declare that he has performed all his tithing duties and then beseeches G‑d to bless His people and the Land.

The Passuk says: "I have not transgressed Your mitzvot, and I have not forgotten..." Says the Sfat Emet - I have not forgotten that You are the One Who has commanded me to do the mitzvot. Furthermore, the statement implies that the individual did only that which he was required to do, and did not (often) go beyond the call of duty. Or perhaps we did a mitzva sort of like it is supposed to be done, but maybe without full intent (i.e. prayers). This is an important message as we approach Rosh HaShana, when we have to answer for what - and how - we do mitzvot.

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